Contract Manufacturing
Our flexible Contract Manufacturing model allows you to focus on the most critical elements of your company, such as branding, sales and finances, while we handle design improvement, operations, manufacturing and logistics. We can manufacture your product efficiently and ship directly to your customers around the world, while protecting your IP and confidential information.
Another option is to leave the very last step of assembly at your location. In this scenario, we perform all technical procurement, quality control and sub-components assembly. We then send sub-assemblies to your designated location. All is left for you is to perform final assembly. In this scenario, you manufacture your product, which is reassuring for your customers, without having to manage any supply chain risk.
Please see the flowchart below to better understand Saimen’s conventional CM (Contract Manufacturer) process implementation with its partners.
Click here to see the animated flowchart

Technical Procurement mandates
Saimen also performs Technical Procurement mandates in high tech areas, requiring high precision or custom elements. Saimen hold manufacturing licenses in Electronics, mechanical assemblies and mechatronics. We also have our own import-export license, and can also do process import of components that need to be imported for assembly, then reexported as a finished product.
Saimen protects your IP, and is even ISO27001 certified for protection of information.
Saimen engineering teams uses genuine software, including SolidworksTM, allowing for peace of mind and complete protection of your drawings and information.